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Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. (1411 previews)
Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. Posted in 31th, 12/2005 02:50 by j_schatz
I had the freeware version of DBManager installed and working just fine with MySQL. I wanted to import a MS Access data into MySQL but discovered (very painfully) that I must have the Enterprise edition to now do that. OK I spend $50 to buy it. I installed it and now I can't get conneceted to the MySQL server. I spent hours trying every combination of everything I could think of. What is it looking for? Also, I spent quite a bit of time creating a data base when I had the freeware version. I assume that simply installing an upgraded package will not eliminate my data base. I sure hope not! We will see.

I am running Windows XP SP2.

Jim /
Re: Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. Posted in 31th, 12/2005 09:40 by support

Did you downloaded DBManager Professional Enterprise and
Installed it?
Did you have any problem with catalog or questions about this?

I will wait a reply

Support / DBTools Software
Re: Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. Posted in 31th, 12/2005 02:24 by j_schatz
I downloaded the enterprise edition "over" the shareware edition; I did not uninstall the shareware version first. During the install, I remember seeing a popup about some file already existing and should it be overwritten but I did not note the file name. Since I was installing over the existing product, I assumed that I should answer yes, to overwrite the existing file. It only asked me this one time. Did I do the wrong thing? Did I manage to blow away some sort of init or config file? What is the catalog file you mention in your response? I hope this helps and thanks for getting back to me.

Jim /
Re: Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. Posted in 31th, 12/2005 04:56 by support

We have a problem with update of catalog used for DBManager.
If you is a new user not problem.
But if you not ,we send to you a update file UpdateCatalog.35
put this file on /My Documents/user/DBManagerPro/DATA and
execute DBManager again.

If don't work unistall DBManager and install it and overwirte anything all.

Best Regards

Support / DBTools Software
Re: Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. Posted in 31th, 12/2005 10:48 by j_schatz
I wanted to finish out this thread on the problem I was having.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the enterprise edition, But it still failed. I then installed the freeware edition (it once worked) and still had problem. Thinking that maybe some file was hanging around that was blocking all of this, I tried to install fresh on a virgin machine such as my laptop. First I installed MySQL. During the install steps, it had me provide a root password. Then it struck me! MySQL server was expecting a password. I provided this way back, when I installed the freeware version, but then forgot all about it once the server connection was established (once established, it never asks you again). Now that I am installing again, I must resupply the password when creating a new server connection. I guess I thought a blank password would work because of how MS Access handles the default login (su, blank). Boy do I feel dumb.

Once I entered the MySQL password to DBTools (on my original machine), everything worked fine.

So... if you ever have to install things again, don't forget the server password when you create your MySQL connection. Only newbe can make mistake like this.

Thanks for your help Support

Install of Enterprise edition broke connection to MySQL server. (1411 previews)

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