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Distinguish between Oracle schemas (3249 previews)
Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 21th, 09/2006 06:17 by brandc.rd
A schema and owner is suppose to be the same (well as I understand it). I’m using another application in conjunction with DB Manager and in this application shows the schemas which you can choose, then only the tables’ owner by that schema is shown. Isn’t there a way to get DB Manager to show tables only accordingly to the schema and not showing all the tables at the same time? Even with Count() switched off it can take a long while if you show all the tables instead of showing per schema.
Cecil Brand
System Administrator
University of the Free State
Re: Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 21th, 09/2006 09:22 by support
Hi Cecil,

The feature is a nice to have one. I'm adding it to our TODO list and try to implement it for the next version 3.3.4.

Thanks for the feedback.

Best Regards,

DBTools Support / DBTools Software
RE: Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 20th, 06/2011 12:54 by laymccool
As i think There is no relationship between schemas and tablespaces: a tablespace can contain objects from different schemas, and the objects for a schema can be contained in different tablespaces.

layla mccool /

RE: Re: Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 26th, 03/2014 12:21 by greg197056
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I could not wait to get the presents unwrapped, finish the never ending holiday breakfast, get to Mass and, then, finally, get my new Voit to the courts.The only other sporting good product that came remotely close to the joy of seeing my new ball every year was when I bought a new pair of Chuck Taylor Converse All Star shoes. Back in that day, Chuck's as they were universally called, were the gold standard of sports shoe.Karl Lagerfeld has three fountains, an orchestra of 80 instruments, a lot of tweed Nepalese clothes, aggregate a abundant epic. Lagerfeld actualization on the amber cerebration and re-interpretation of the brim on the holes, amateurish feel of the anorak affectionate of avant-garde customization. As admirable atramentous actualization afore the foreground bench of Keira Knightley cast the custom style.

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Even with no contact with nature, some function feet also weakens, disappear. Based on the innovative thinking, 2004 nike free running shoes first launched the NIKE shoes FREE of this can strengthen - Air Jordan Retro 2 through the feet and legs function, and also provide basic protective and the grip of the light weight sneakers, the concept of barefoot training really will become a reality.The official store of the NBA carries a large selection of men's Jordan footwear: Jordan Flight 45, Air Jordan 2010 Basketball Shoes, Jordan Flight Team Basketball, Jordan All Day, Air Jordan Hall of Fame and many others (bu

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Cynthia Tetreault, I /

RE: Re: Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 26th, 03/2014 12:22 by greg197056
And guess who instantly becomes a great player? Shane Battier.I like Nike running shoes the best; a lot of people prefer New Balance. I would steer clear of Adidas for running shoes.Since the data are automatically Air Jordan Retro 4 entered into the system each time a unit reports a sale or spends some money, managers are spared the time-consuming job of preparing monthly financial reports. If, and only if, Larsen sees a potential problem will he pick up the phone and call the manager of the unit to see if he can help.How to get a lawsuit settlement loanIt's a frequently asked question.After all, isn TMt that the bottom line and all that can be expected of any self-help or educational product. It just seems that because of the promise of generating an income avalanche the expectations are greater.

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Taller people generally have larger hands which makes it easier for them to palm a basketball which makes it easier, therefore, to dunk a basketball because they don't have to jump as high if you can palm the ball.So any exercises that you can do to strengthen your hand muscles are beneficial."Fortune" magazine has circulated a piece including article that Nike signed such an agreement was a big mistake, because with the poor financial placement at that point. But the results proved that this contract was an important "victory" transactions, this has been largely thanks to Jordan, and they will exceeded many consumers expected.

The flavor of a Sunberry is a tricky thing to describe. Eaten raw they are neither overtly fruity nor sweet.The Good Year Welt Construction lugged rubber sole provides high traction. Adidas is known for its stylish and trendy men's shoes in athletic designs.Then pour into a martini glass, take some pics, and then enjoy while watchin some hot swallowing videos.I have to Air Jordan Retro 5 say that I've become a much bigger fan of freezing my cum.In keeping with contaminated water, empty and clean the pool whenever you notice cloudy water or notice slippery sides. When doing so, there are a number of chemicals that you can use, such as bleach that is safely diluted.

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Cynthia Tetreault, I /

RE: Re: Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 26th, 03/2014 12:22 by greg197056
The Quidditch season had begun. On Saturday, Harry would be playing in his first match after timberland roll top weeks of training: Gryffindor versus Slytherin.It advances for children's shoes because of Air Jordan Retro 7 its flexible and specially designed sandals with anti-microbial surfaces. This prevents bacterial infections cause bad odor and excessive sweating of the foot.One of the best ways to quickly isolate how your competitors have used special formats and where they have positioned there keywords in relation to the entire page is to simply run a search for the phrases on Google and view the cache of the page. The keywords will be highlighted in a variety of colors and will allow you to quickly glance through their page and isolate what special elements they are using and where they have positioned their keywords on the page.

To have bigger cost savings, pick a merchant that supply free freight. If popularity sell soft drinks, it definitely cannot hurt shoe sales.The large majority of the sales were by SVP Pierre Dodion (25,000 shares) and SVP Maria Cantor (24,000 shares). Insider selling has recently been very intense at ARIA, with 0.Super Mario Bros Converse: The iconic characters from Super Mario Bros are now showcased on the Chuck Taylor to assist celebrate the game's twenty fifth anniversary. See our before blog submit.The finishing comes with high quality trimming and the bag tans with age. The though it needs to be kept away from moisture and sunlight to avoid fading.

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It has hands-free Bluetooth pairing so you can talk whilst driving. If only I had one earlier things could be very different for me.There are just people who make a lot of money. They buy a lot of stuff and you might hurt their spending if you raise their taxes.In short, the majority of opinion polls show Gen. Y as the most aware of all the generations.The Apple iPad mini deserves the title of "The best cool Air Jordan Retro 8 gadgets for men of 2013" and I think it is going to get it.The G13 is one of the mobile/multimedia cool gadgets for men.The sea is violent many times and the waves are roaring. Water sports are not favored here often.

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Cynthia Tetreault, I /

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RE: Distinguish between Oracle schemas Posted in 24th, 08/2017 02:50 by doylenorman1
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