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How do I rearrange rows (1328 previews)
How do I rearrange rows Posted in 06th, 04/2006 10:59 by jon.macaroni
I cant find anyway of rearranging the rows of a table.
I can find Insert and Delete rows

There must be some trick of doing this.

Thank you.

P.S. I am using MYSQL Freeware version
ImOk /
Re: How do I rearrange rows Posted in 06th, 04/2006 12:05 by support

I don't exactly what you meant, but if you meant the Datasheet (for table data editing) follow the steps:

1) To insert a new record just edit the last field in the grid. This will insert a new record in the table
2) To delete a record select the row and click on the drop record button on the toolbar

Rearraging rows in the Datasheet is only possible in the Enterprise Edition. You can optionally hide columns from the View.

PS: if this is not what you meant please include detailed information of what exactly you trying to do.

Hope that helps,

Support / DBTools Software
Re: How do I rearrange rows Posted in 06th, 04/2006 12:16 by jon.macaroni
I meant how do I rearrange the column names in the table structure after I have created the table:

E.g. I created a Users table:

AutoNum Integer
FirstName Varchar(20)
LastName Varchar(20)
UserID Varchar(10)

and saved it.

I want to move the UserID field/column called UserID before the FirstName field for easier viewing.

AutoNum Integer
UserID Varchar(10)
FirstName Varchar(20)
LastName Varchar(20)

Is there a way to do this without delete column/insert new column/type new column?

ImOk /
Re: How do I rearrange rows Posted in 07th, 04/2006 09:30 by support

Using the Table Editor you can insert a new column into a different position other than the end of the table. For fields already created the only thing possible is to delete and reinsert the field at the desired position. The reason is that most of the database engines (not to say all of them) don't allow to reposition columns in tables after created. We could do something manually but this would require more than one step to do so, not to mention that if it involves foreign keys it could get messy.

Best Regards,

Support / DBTools Software
How do I rearrange rows (1328 previews)

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