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Query List (997 previews)
Query List Posted in 01th, 07/2005 07:16 by pmaynard
I am using DBManager Professional ver 3.0.3a
When I click on the Tools Tab in Workspace and click on Queries, there is a list of queries connected to a database.
When I click on the Servers Tab in Workspace and click the the same database, then click on queries, there is nothing listed.
How do I display the queries under the database in the workspace servers tab?
Peter /
Re: Query List Posted in 01th, 07/2005 09:30 by support
Hi Peter,

See if the server name under Workspace=>Tools=>Queries for each query is the same name as Server Item in the Workspace Servers List. Each query is attached to a server and a database if any of them are removed the query will have no ownership. On the other hand the database can be recreated and the query will be visible again.

PS: What happens if you double click this query in the Tools=>Queries?

Best Regards,

Support / DBTools Software
Re: Query List Posted in 01th, 07/2005 11:35 by pmaynard
I have just noticed there are two identical servers listed, both called mysql@localhost (MYSQL).
If I open the second one, and click on queries I get the list but if I open the first one and click on queries there is nothing listed. Is it safe just to remove the first server? Which files do I need to backup before attempting this?
Peter /
Re: Query List Posted in 01th, 07/2005 12:08 by support

That shouldn't be a problem. Each server have an unique ID which identifies it in the catalog. Each object you have created to the server will also have this ID. When you remove a server its child objects are also removed (queries, forms, reports, import/export wizards, etc).
To backup the catalog before doing that, just copy the file catalog.ddb which is located in your personal folder (I.E. C:\My Documents\DBManagerPro\DATA\catalog.ddb).


Support / DBTools Software
Query List (997 previews)

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